Poly Electrolyte Acrylamide Based Flocculants & Coagulants - West Bengal - General for sale, West Bengal - 1004064


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Poly Electrolyte Acrylamide Based Flocculants & Coagulants - General for sale

Ref. number: 1004064 Updated: 22-03-2012 12:24

Offering: General for sale in India, West Bengal

Many problems are associated with waste water collection and treatment such as solids accumulation, foaming, sludge dewatering, high b. O. D. , high color, heavy metals and offensive odors. Chemtex’s poly electrolytes or poly acrylamides improve the performance of waste water process and clarifier operation, thus producing less carryover and foaming, lower b. D. P. , drier sludge and removal of offensive odors. Applications in sewage water treatment, waste water treatment, effluent water treatment, clarification of sugar juice, pulp and paper, color removal etc.

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First name: Monodeep
Last name: Mukherjee
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