Require Femaleand male Sales and MarketingExecutive, Group With Group Leader (minimum 8 Executives in a Group).
Product introduction, man to man communication, product advertisement and Marketing.
Apply only Kolkata and west Bengal candidates with Bengali communication and Education:- HS. Age:-19 – 40 female and 19 - 35.
Type of work: Event, herbal product introduction, man to man communication, product advertisement and marketing - Skin care, beauty care and hair care products marketing for direct advertisement.
Company wills provide salary for Group Leader: 12000 TA: 2000 Mobile: 1000 Incentive ETC per month.
Company wills provide salary for Executive- 7500, 9000 TA-1500 Incentive ETC per month.
Contact EVERGREEN 7278314266, 7278229937, 7278229938.
E-mail/SMS not applicable.